Wednesday 14 December 2011

AED OnSite with Slim Case - M5066A-C02

!±8± AED OnSite with Slim Case - M5066A-C02

Brand : Philips Healthcare | Rate : | Price : $1,199.00
Post Date : Dec 14, 2011 04:45:22 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Part Number: M5066A-C02
  • Manufacturer: Philips Healthcare

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AED OnSite with Slim Case - M5066A-C02

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Wednesday 16 November 2011

Philips FRx HeartStart Smart Pads II (1 Set)

!±8±Philips FRx HeartStart Smart Pads II (1 Set)

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Post Date : Nov 16, 2011 11:00:40
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

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Thursday 27 October 2011

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Tuesday 27 September 2011

2010 new CPR guidelines - What You Need To Know

!±8± 2010 new CPR guidelines - What You Need To Know

For a long time, the "Good Samaritan Act" has forgotten to save lives strong. As more people suffer from sudden cardiac arrest, there are few spectators who like to be able to take the risk and save lives. To this end, we feel the AHA and the American Heart Association, the need to simplify the long and revised guideline ABC CPR.

If the time before you always follow the traditional sequence of ABC or airway, breathing, circulation, hasstate, cabinet chest compressions, airway management changed breathing. According to the AHA, are just a few minutes lost while they are great to give the traditional sequence of hesitation to revive ABC or the lack of adequate training and knowledge of how to correctly perform CPR procedures. Remember, the latter are of great importance when it comes to CPR, can mean wasting 10-15 seconds, the irreversible death.

To add this new approach the CPR, it is recommended that chest compressions when the startVictim is, do not react with air or breath. Compared to the traditional technology of ABC, the new cabinet is not a single moment is when the first cycle of chest compressions given immediately after airway, breathing losing speeches. The state of the AHA on the subject is actually much more practical and cheaper than one no longer has to worry about how you give the right to open the airway of the victim or as complicated as you breathe fully. So expect more and more people are nowPractice the "Good Samaritan Act" and not as insecure support for the victims.

After significant changes in new CPR guidelines, the algorithm "Look, Listen and Feel" was also removed. According to the AHA, this algorithm is so obsolete that takes time and wastes a considerable effort to revive the patient. Instead of the wrist of the victim, find the most health professionals is very difficult and delicate, full CPR should be started with 30 compressions insteadgive two ventilation. This act offers the shortest delay and full support for the heart. However, it should be noted that an appropriate coordination must always be best used, call the paramedics as soon as possible, should be initiated.

AED devices to be used in accordance with this new line of CPR guidelines. If an AED is on the field, you should make use of it to employ high-quality resuscitation away from the very subjective "hands-on" CPR. AEDvery objective and give the maximum benefit to name all the time not to know that they are also useful guide for respondents with no experience.

There is also a new rule regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The 1 1 / 2 inches 2 inches deep rule was changed. AHA also pointed to the correct positioning of the hand, and if the chest compressions and minimize any delay or breakdown. These changes are made to give the victims of high-quality chest compressions that are effective andsimple.

With this new 2010 CPR guidelines, certain, that to save lives now serve more humane and legally. Today does not think long before several life-saving techniques such as the process has become simple and straightforward. With the help of new high-tech life-saving devices such as AEDs and the simplified version of CPR, more lives will be simple and effective. Saving lives should never be complicated, but simple and effective,With the new CPR guidelines.

2010 new CPR guidelines - What You Need To Know

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Friday 23 September 2011

Overview of Southeast poisonous insect bites, stings and treatments

!±8± Overview of Southeast poisonous insect bites, stings and treatments

Insect bites are common and are rarely cause for concern. There are several insects in the southeastern United States that can produce serious bites and stings. Able to recognize and treat a person who has been bitten or sting can make a big difference, especially if bitten or stung by a poisonous insect. The results of some poisonous bites and stings If untreated, permanent disfigurement and even death.

Insects south-east of this DirectiveArticle

There are of course many insect bites and stings exhaustive. Here are some of the most common insects that command attention in the U.S. Southeast:

• Honey Bee

• wasps, hornets, yellow jackets

• Scorpion

• Brown Recluse Spider

• Black Widow

Honey bees

Bees are generally not aggressive, an insect. They bite when they are attacked or violated, andstand out more if they perceive the threat to their prey. The bees have a sting, the barbs pull out a part of your abdomen called the ovipositor, killing the bee will rapidly after the bite. This is still a painful sting in the venom of the victim until it is removed.

Treatment for a Honey Bee Sting

• First, remove the sting and pinch or scrape the skin. Studies show that the method is not important to remove the sting. QuicklyRemove the stinger is important to us!

• Use a cool compress on the sting.

• After the pain disappears, the sting is itching. Scratching makes it worse!

• In case of shortness of breath, wheezing, facial swelling or hives, or other localized reactions suggests a possible allergic reaction. Call 911 immediately.

Wasps, Hornets and Yellowjackets

Hornets and Yellow Jackets are both part of the Vespa family. As for their potential to bite, caneither sweet or aggressive, depending on the species. Regardless of whether a wasp is handled or stepped on, as does its prey in danger, it will burn. Like bees, wasps use a stinger on their abdomen to inject venom into its victim. Unlike bees, they keep their spines and can sting multiple times. If stung by a wasp sting is to remove the irrelevant.

Treatments for wasp sting

• Use a cool compress on the sting.

• After the pain disappears,The sting can be itchy. Scratching makes it worse!

• In case of shortness of breath, wheezing, facial swelling or hives, or other localized reactions suggests a possible allergic reaction. Call 911 immediately.


Scorpions are common in the south-east, and it is painful sting when disturbed. Scorpion stings are no more south-east life threatening, but must be followed in case of severe symptoms. Since the Scorpion uses a sting to inject itsVenom, the sting at first feels like a pin stuck. The sting can be very painful and can cause a number of different symptoms. If stung by a scorpion, a good rule of thumb is anything more than moderate pain is an indication that emergency treatment should be sought. Some of these symptoms include sweating, difficulty breathing slurred, rapid eye movements or blurred vision, speech, nausea and vomiting.

Treatments for scorpion stings

• Wash area with soap and waterWater.

• Use a cool compress on the sting.

• Pay attention to non-localized symptoms such as sweating, shortness of breath, rapid eye movements or blurred vision, slurred speech, nausea and vomiting.

Brown Recluse Spider

The Brown Recluse Spider is a small brown spider that hides in undisturbed clothing, shoes, gloves, equipment and locked up in other places rarely visited. They are sometimes characterized by the presence of the shape of a violin or violinspider back to them their colloquial "fiddle back" name. This is not necessarily the best way for Brown Recluse spiders to be identified. The best way to uniquely identify these spiders should be noted, have installed three sets of eyes, sometimes as a human being has two eyes and nose. The brown recluse bite is painful and sometimes not noticed until it is a severe skin and tissue injury. You should consult a doctor if they have a blister or pimple worsening of blood in a noticefew hours a day to be similar to a boil. If untreated, the wound can become gangrenous and potentially life-threatening. The best treatment is the recognition and immediate medical care.

Treatment of Brown Recluse spider bites

• Fast detection.

• immediate care by a physician.

Black Widow Spider

The Black Widow is a relatively small black spider with a distinctive red hourglass shape down. TheSouthern Black Widow spider spins its web in the often silent, as a dry expanses of water meters, sticks or logs, in the whole tool shed and the like. This spider is very poisonous and can have a bite that requires medical care produce. The bite is usually very painful, followed by several non-localized symptoms that always, the emergency service. Each bite from muscle pain, cramps, abdominal pain, nervous jitter, vomiting, followed by dizziness, chest pain and problemsShould breathe a sign of a possible threat to life that requires emergency medical attention.

Treatment of bites Spider Black Widow

• Fast detection

• immediate care by medical staff

Overview of Southeast poisonous insect bites, stings and treatments

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Monday 19 September 2011

Philips HeartStart Home Automated External Defibrillator Battery

!±8±Philips HeartStart Home Automated External Defibrillator Battery

Brand : Philips Medical Systems
Rate :
Price : $121.99
Post Date : Sep 19, 2011 12:01:19
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

This long life lithium battery lasts approximately 4 years, does not require recharging, and can be easily installed in HeartStart by popping it in the back panel. The "Install by" date is printed on the battery for easy reference. Because HeartStart runs daily self-tests, it will prompt you to replace the battery when necessary.

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Tuesday 13 September 2011

Phillips Adult SMART Pads Cartridge (1 set)

!±8± Phillips Adult SMART Pads Cartridge (1 set)

Brand : Philips DAP NA | Rate : | Price : $59.24
Post Date : Sep 13, 2011 04:15:36 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The Philips Heartstart defibrillator can be used on adults, children, and infants. A clear-voiced narrator guides the user through each and every step. Weighing only 3.3 lbs., it can be transported to the patient easily and quickly. The unit completes a series of self-tests, including a pads integrity test to make sure the cartridge was properly installed. Each unit includes 1 pair of adult defib pads and 1 four year battery.

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Thursday 8 September 2011

Things to consider when purchasing an AED

!±8± Things to consider when purchasing an AED

An automated external defibrillator or AED is a key piece of lifesaving equipment for schools, public buildings, offices and even homes. Consider purchasing an AED, if you go over the health and safety of people in your business or home. These lifesaving devices are considered easier to use and more effective CPR to help patients suffering from heart attack. Countless lives have been an electrical charge delivered to the heart of accumulation ofclick of a button. If you are interested in purchasing an AED, there are several things to keep in order to be sure to purchase a defibrillator, which best suits your needs. Although most AEDs will never need to be used, you want to be sure that you are an effective and well-maintained equipment on hand in case an emergency happens.

AEDs are lightweight, portable devices that allow you to start the heart of a victim by an electrical pulse called a biphasic shock.Guide the rescuer with a combination of simple and clear language, text and graphical instructions, AEDs do nearly all the work, so that virtually all save a life!

The website resource AED, start a heart suggests that, as with any piece of technology, you first need to familiarize yourself with the most popular models. There are several companies that are of high quality automated external defibrillators, including Phillips, Medtronic and market HeartSine. Each of these companies offer similarEasy to use and highly effective anti-epileptic drugs, albeit with slight variations. Most are portable and durable, and offer simple and clear voice instructions on how to start a new heart.

The next thing you notice when you buy an AED for the purpose of your purchase. Some AEDs are easy to leave until they are on call are stored, while the more sophisticated devices are often used by rescue professionals in action. If, after an AED in search of a campus, consider buying aA device that is specifically designed for pediatric use. For example, the Phillips HeartStart is available in different models for children and adults. This is a crucial difference, because children are not able to get the same effect as a shock to the heart that a grown man or woman able to manage sustainable. If you are looking for a device that can easily shaken children and adults looking for, you should find a car that can accommodate a flexible environment for all ages and sizes.

Many people areexcessive in relation to the size of the Automated External Defibrillator affected. Modern AEDs are very small and portable, making these huge, bulky models is often found in operating rooms and emergency room space is not useful and can be easily transported to a nearby town. In addition, this format allows the price much cheaper than the monsters in hospitals or doctors' find. Quality AEDs starting at about $ 1,200, although you can find models for less than its renewed$ 1,000.

Regardless of the reasons for or the purchase of an Automated External Defibrillator, such a move today. The purchase could literally save a life and should not be delayed by any means. If necessary, you should have a fundraiser to collect the fees necessary to purchase an AED for a school, office or public place. An AED on hand can literally be the difference between life and death, when it comes to heart-related emergencies.

Things to consider when purchasing an AED

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